シンガポールと日本が国交樹立から50周年を迎え、 両国政府が支援するシンポジウムを5月14日(土)に開催 ~ 高齢化社会で継続可能な介護医療について語る ~
MURAYAMA Singapore Pte. Ltd.は、シンガポールで日本の介護医療を紹介するシンポジウム「第3回 日本 - シンガポール・プロフェッショナルコラボレーション(JSIP2016)」を在シンガポール日本大使館の全面的支援のもと、2016年5月14日(土)にシンガポールで開催いたします。
名称 : 第3回 日本 - シンガポール・プロフェッショナルコラボレーション(JSIP2016)
(The 3rd Japan-Singapore Inter-Professional Collaboration (JSIP2016) Symposium
会期 : 2016年5月14日(土) 9:00~17:30
会場 : アカデミア シンガポール・ジェネラル・ホスピタル(SGH)内
20 College Road Singapore 169856
入場料 : 無料
主催 : Bright Vision Hospital/
College of Family Physicians Singapore/
MURAYAMA Singapore
後援 : 在シンガポール日本大使館、
内容 : (1)シンポジウム『地域包括ケア』
来場対象: シンガポールの病院・ナーシングホーム 政府機関 等 300名(予定)
特別企画: (1)医療施設視察ツアー
来賓 : 駐シンガポール日本国特命全権大使 篠田 研次
Dr Lam Pin Min, Minister of State, Ministry of Health Singapore
WEB : http://www.jsip.sg/
About College of Family Physicians Singapore (CFPS)
The College of Family Physicians Singapore was formed in 1971 by a group of family physicians in Singapore who wanted an institution to enshrine and promote the values and ideals of family medicine.
About Bright Vision Hospital (BVH)
Bright Vision Hospital (BVH) is a 318 bed community hospital offering intermediate and long-term care services to about 1,500 new patients a year. The hospital provides a fully integrated healthcare programme that serves the patients’ physical, psychological, spiritual and social well-being.
BVH provides inpatient services for sub-acute, rehabilitation, palliative and chronic sick patients. While BVH provides continuity of healthcare for the community and a comprehensive range of services for the holistic care of patients and their families, the hospital also serves as training and education centre for professionals and the public in community care for the elderly and infirmed.
About MURAYAMA Singapore
MURAYAMA Singapore, a subsidiary of MURAYAMA Japan, started its operations in Singapore in July 2015 and is dedicated to bringing Japan goods, services, technology and ideas to Singapore and the ASEAN region.
About SJ50
2016 marks the 50th anniversary of diplomatic relations between Japan and Singapore. In order to celebrate this remarkable year in both nations, the 50th Anniversary of Singapore-Japan Diplomatic Relations Executive Committee, which was established in January 2015, will approve and support those projects which meet the purpose of promoting the mutual understanding and the exchange between two countries as “The 50th Anniversary of Singapore-Japan Diplomatic Relations (SJ50) project”. For more information, visit http://www.sg.emb-japan.go.jp/ (英語)
企業名 : MURAYAMA Singapore Pte. Ltd.
所在地 : 80 Robinson Road #10-01A Singapore 068898
Registration No: 201523753E
WEB : http://murayama.sg/