


2016年12月5日 14:00
With much of the global community still in shock following the Brexit and USA election results, RoundTable Global has announced the launch of the Global Change Ambassadors Group to create much needed change in the world. The initiative will focus community and organisational energy on imaginative solutions, enabling the creation of a society that is collaborative and inclusive, rather than existing in the divisiveness currently permeating our cultures.

「グローバル変革大使」は60人のリーダーやインフルエンサーなどで構成されています。その多くはもともとアジア、中東アジア、北アフリカ、ヨーロッパ、アメリカにおける変革を試みてきた方々で、3世代にわたります。さらに、ファーストレディ、CEOや活動家、ラウンドテーブルのゴールの実現を目指してボランティアに取り組む方など多様な方々が参加しています。ラウンドテーブルは「教育改革(Educational Reform)」、「誰もが力を発揮できる社会を作ること(Empowerment for All)」、「環境の活性化(Environmental Rejuvenation)」という3つのグローバルゴールを掲げ、実現を目指しています。
「グローバル変革大使」は、ラウンドテーブルと日本の安倍昭恵内閣総理大臣夫人が共同で立ち上げた“En Committee”が運営するものです。「グローバル変革大使」メンバーはこちらよりご覧いただけます。

The Global Change Ambassadors are sixty leaders and influencers from three generations focused on initially creating change in Asia, Middle East, North Africa, Europe and the America’s. They range from First Lady’s to Ministers, CEO’s and Activists and each person is volunteering their time to focus on the RoundTable Three Global Goals of Educational Reform, Empowerment for All and Environmental Rejuvenation. The Change Ambassadors will be overseen by the En Committee; a collaboration between RoundTable Global and First Lady of Japan Akie Abe. The full list of Change Ambassadors can be viewed here

ラウンドテーブルの創設者の1人であるTiffany Kellyは以下のように述べています。
Founding Partner of RoundTable Global Tiffany Kelly says;
“We had an idea to bring together people passionate about change so we can work together on solutions and create collaborations for change. So many people are confused or angry about what is happening in the world but we believe that what we’re seeing is a mirror of the society that we have created and allowed. If we can each see our part in the creation, we are empowered to do something about it. The Global Change Ambassadors initiative has exceeded our wildest expectations and we are delighted by the inspiring and talented individuals who have joined. Now is the time for action and this is a group of people who can truly make change happen."

“En Committee”の創設者の1人で、MVV GlobalのCEOでもあるMichelle Van Vuurenは以下のように述べています。
Michelle Van Vuuren, En Committee member and founder and CEO of MVV Global added;
“In a world seemingly focused on division and derision, it is more important than ever to invest in the empowerment of all communities, the education of all and the rejuvenation of our planet. These core values are central to our survival and to the development of our humanity.”

大使たちは、既に伝統的な教育手法に変わる代替案として、情熱に従って創造的かつ協調的に活動し、偏見の無い世界を作ることのできる次世代を輩出するための教育 ‘Legacy Learning’ (の制作に取り組み始めています。
“The Legacy Learning Platform”は、2017年より、世界中のすべての学習者に無料で提供する予定です。

Collectively the Ambassadors have already committed to creating an alternative to traditional education ‘Legacy Learning’ ( which they believe will empower future generations to follow their passions, be creative and collaborative and help to eradicate prejudice. The Legacy Learning Platform will be available in 2017 to all learners, free of charge, anywhere in the world.

About RoundTable Global
RoundTable Global are experts in redefining corporate cultures and global communities, in unlocking potential in people and helping to release from fears and self limiting beliefs. They use this expertise to bring the creative and corporate worlds together for mutual benefit and learning, delivering leadership, innovation and change programmes that further Three Global Goals: Educational Reform, Empowering Everyone and Environmental Rejuvenation. These goals are their contribution to creating restorative, inclusive change in the world.

About the Global Change Ambassadors
To ensure that the projects deliver sustainable and measurable results, the En Committee is creating global groups of Ambassadors in each region. These Ambassadors are being selected for their passion, talents and ability to galvanise local communities into action.
Each group is being mentored and supported by an En Committee member and comprises of dynamic and influential women, men and young people. Organisations will be actively encouraged to sponsor and support local initiatives in return for services and solutions that will enable them to create empowering cultures for everyone at the same time as successfully delivering a triple bottom line focused on People, Planet and Profit.