株式会社JTOWER、株式会社日本政策投資銀行および 株式会社リサ・パートナーズと共同で ベトナム最大IBS事業会社の全株式を取得
2017年7月31日 17:00*English version is below.
株式会社JTOWER(代表取締役社長:田中 敦史、以下「JTOWER」という。)は、株式会社日本政策投資銀行(本店:東京都千代田区、代表取締役社長:柳正 憲、以下「DBJ」という。)と株式会社リサ・パートナーズ(本社:東京都港区、代表取締役社長:成影 善生、以下「リサ」という。)が共同で出資・運営するJapan South East Asia Growth Fund L.P.(以下「JSEAGF」という。)と共同で設立したSPC(特別目的会社)等を通じて、本日付(2017年7月31日付)で、ベトナム最大のIBS(In-Building Solution:建物内の携帯通信インフラシェアリング)事業会社であるSOUTHERN STAR TELECOMMUNICATION EQUIPMENT JOINT STOCK COMPANY(本社:ホーチミン市、ゼネラルディレクター:NGYUYEN DAC LAM、以下「SPN」という。)の全株式を取得いたしました。
JTOWERは、これまで日本国内において、建物内の携帯通信インフラシェアリング・ソリューション(ベトナムにおけるIBSと同義)のリーディングカンパニーとして事業展開しており、銀座最大級の複合施設であるGINZA SIXをはじめ、多くの大型ビル・建物で導入・運用している実績があります。この度のSPNの株式取得を通じて、これまで日本国内で培った高いレベルの品質・技術をベトナムのIBS市場に活かし、同国の通信インフラの発展に寄与してまいります。
412 Nguyen Thi Minh Khai Street, Ward 5, District 3, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
設立 : 2012年6月
本社所在地 : 東京都港区赤坂8-5-41
代表取締役社長: 田中 敦史
URL : http://www.jtower.co.jp/
JTOWER, DBJ and RISA Complete Joint Acquisition
of the Largest IBS Company in Vietnam
Tokyo, July 31, 2017 - JTOWER Inc. (Representative Director: Atsushi Tanaka) (“JTOWER”) has today completed the acquisition of the largest IBS (In-Building Solution: sharing solution of indoor mobile telecommunication infrastructure) company in Vietnam, SOUTHERN STAR TELECOMMUNICATION EQUIPMENT JOINT STOCK COMPANY (headquarters: Ho Chi Minh City; General Director: Nguyen Dac Lam) (“SPN”), through a special purpose company jointly established with Japan South East Asia Growth Fund L.P. (“JSEAGF”) jointly funded and managed by Development Bank of Japan Inc. (headquarters: Chiyoda-ku Tokyo; President & CEO: Masanori Yanagi) (“DBJ”) and Risa Partners Inc. (headquarters: Minato-ku Tokyo; President: Yoshio Narukage) (“RISA”).
With the steadily growing economy, Vietnam has been seeing its mobile phone penetration rise above 100% and demand for mobile telecommunication infrastructure continue to grow. In particular, the IBS market, leasing of indoor telecommunication equipment (shared equipment) to multiple mobile network operators (“MNOs”), has been expanding rapidly with the rise of the mobile network traffic and the needs of MNOs to manage their assets more efficiently, and is expected to maintain its growth as plans for major real estate development continue to increase in Vietnam.
Established in 2013, SPN is the largest IBS operator by coverage area (has No. 1 market share) in Vietnam, supported by its positive relationships with all three major MNOs, high quality services and expansive network with real estate developers. SPN has installed its equipment and services MNOs at a variety of buildings in Vietnam, including major high-rise office buildings, airport, hotels and commercial complexes.
JTOWER is the leading indoor mobile telecommunication infrastructure sharing (equivalent of IBS in Vietnam) company in Japan and has installed and operates its equipment at a number of major establishments across the country including GINZA SIX, one of the largest commercial complexes in Ginza, Tokyo. Through the acquisition of SPN, JTOWER is expected to apply its high-quality service and technology developed through its operation in Japan to contribute to the advancement of the IBS market and telecommunication infrastructure in Vietnam.
Based on its corporate philosophy to contribute to the society as a creative investment bank with funding, financing and advisory capabilities and its 10-year vision starting 2017 to have a global perspective and create shared value with partners to accelerate growth and continue to grow, RISA offers various values to Southeast Asian companies with high growth potential as well as to Japanese companies with a vision to establish presence in the region.
Based on its corporate philosophy to apply financial expertise to design the future - to apply creative financing to resolve client issues while working to earn the trust of clients and help them achieve their future prosperity - DBJ actively supports growth companies in Japan by providing quality risk money to make the “Japan-originated world” possible.
【Overview of the Transaction】
<Company Acquired>
<Company Address>
412 Nguyen Thi Minh Khai Street, Ward 5, District 3, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
<Acquisition Method>
A special purpose company jointly established by JTOWER and JSEAGF acquires all the outstanding shares of SPN from the existing shareholders.
<Completion Date>
July 31, 2017
<Post-transaction Operation>
JTOWER sends board members to SPN post-transaction and operates SPN as its consolidated subsidiary.
【Overview of IBS (Mobile Telecommunication Infrastructure Sharing)】
Established : June 2012
Headquarters Address : 8-5-41 Akasaka, Minato-ku, Tokyo, 107-0052
Representative Director: Atsushi Tanaka
URL : http://www.jtower.co.jp/en/
株式会社JTOWER(代表取締役社長:田中 敦史、以下「JTOWER」という。)は、株式会社日本政策投資銀行(本店:東京都千代田区、代表取締役社長:柳正 憲、以下「DBJ」という。)と株式会社リサ・パートナーズ(本社:東京都港区、代表取締役社長:成影 善生、以下「リサ」という。)が共同で出資・運営するJapan South East Asia Growth Fund L.P.(以下「JSEAGF」という。)と共同で設立したSPC(特別目的会社)等を通じて、本日付(2017年7月31日付)で、ベトナム最大のIBS(In-Building Solution:建物内の携帯通信インフラシェアリング)事業会社であるSOUTHERN STAR TELECOMMUNICATION EQUIPMENT JOINT STOCK COMPANY(本社:ホーチミン市、ゼネラルディレクター:NGYUYEN DAC LAM、以下「SPN」という。)の全株式を取得いたしました。
JTOWERは、これまで日本国内において、建物内の携帯通信インフラシェアリング・ソリューション(ベトナムにおけるIBSと同義)のリーディングカンパニーとして事業展開しており、銀座最大級の複合施設であるGINZA SIXをはじめ、多くの大型ビル・建物で導入・運用している実績があります。この度のSPNの株式取得を通じて、これまで日本国内で培った高いレベルの品質・技術をベトナムのIBS市場に活かし、同国の通信インフラの発展に寄与してまいります。
412 Nguyen Thi Minh Khai Street, Ward 5, District 3, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
設立 : 2012年6月
本社所在地 : 東京都港区赤坂8-5-41
代表取締役社長: 田中 敦史
URL : http://www.jtower.co.jp/
JTOWER, DBJ and RISA Complete Joint Acquisition
of the Largest IBS Company in Vietnam
Tokyo, July 31, 2017 - JTOWER Inc. (Representative Director: Atsushi Tanaka) (“JTOWER”) has today completed the acquisition of the largest IBS (In-Building Solution: sharing solution of indoor mobile telecommunication infrastructure) company in Vietnam, SOUTHERN STAR TELECOMMUNICATION EQUIPMENT JOINT STOCK COMPANY (headquarters: Ho Chi Minh City; General Director: Nguyen Dac Lam) (“SPN”), through a special purpose company jointly established with Japan South East Asia Growth Fund L.P. (“JSEAGF”) jointly funded and managed by Development Bank of Japan Inc. (headquarters: Chiyoda-ku Tokyo; President & CEO: Masanori Yanagi) (“DBJ”) and Risa Partners Inc. (headquarters: Minato-ku Tokyo; President: Yoshio Narukage) (“RISA”).
With the steadily growing economy, Vietnam has been seeing its mobile phone penetration rise above 100% and demand for mobile telecommunication infrastructure continue to grow. In particular, the IBS market, leasing of indoor telecommunication equipment (shared equipment) to multiple mobile network operators (“MNOs”), has been expanding rapidly with the rise of the mobile network traffic and the needs of MNOs to manage their assets more efficiently, and is expected to maintain its growth as plans for major real estate development continue to increase in Vietnam.
Established in 2013, SPN is the largest IBS operator by coverage area (has No. 1 market share) in Vietnam, supported by its positive relationships with all three major MNOs, high quality services and expansive network with real estate developers. SPN has installed its equipment and services MNOs at a variety of buildings in Vietnam, including major high-rise office buildings, airport, hotels and commercial complexes.
JTOWER is the leading indoor mobile telecommunication infrastructure sharing (equivalent of IBS in Vietnam) company in Japan and has installed and operates its equipment at a number of major establishments across the country including GINZA SIX, one of the largest commercial complexes in Ginza, Tokyo. Through the acquisition of SPN, JTOWER is expected to apply its high-quality service and technology developed through its operation in Japan to contribute to the advancement of the IBS market and telecommunication infrastructure in Vietnam.
Based on its corporate philosophy to contribute to the society as a creative investment bank with funding, financing and advisory capabilities and its 10-year vision starting 2017 to have a global perspective and create shared value with partners to accelerate growth and continue to grow, RISA offers various values to Southeast Asian companies with high growth potential as well as to Japanese companies with a vision to establish presence in the region.
Based on its corporate philosophy to apply financial expertise to design the future - to apply creative financing to resolve client issues while working to earn the trust of clients and help them achieve their future prosperity - DBJ actively supports growth companies in Japan by providing quality risk money to make the “Japan-originated world” possible.
【Overview of the Transaction】
<Company Acquired>
<Company Address>
412 Nguyen Thi Minh Khai Street, Ward 5, District 3, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
<Acquisition Method>
A special purpose company jointly established by JTOWER and JSEAGF acquires all the outstanding shares of SPN from the existing shareholders.
<Completion Date>
July 31, 2017
<Post-transaction Operation>
JTOWER sends board members to SPN post-transaction and operates SPN as its consolidated subsidiary.
【Overview of IBS (Mobile Telecommunication Infrastructure Sharing)】
Established : June 2012
Headquarters Address : 8-5-41 Akasaka, Minato-ku, Tokyo, 107-0052
Representative Director: Atsushi Tanaka
URL : http://www.jtower.co.jp/en/