
アジアへの工場投資を計画している日本企業向けに 建設関連情報の発信を開始。

2020年8月31日 09:30

オーナーズコンサルタントとして顧客の立場での工場建設を支援する株式会社シーエムプラス(本社:神奈川県横浜市)は、顧客企業の海外進出支援を目的にアジア8か国(対象国はタイ、マレーシア、インドネシア、フィリピン、ベトナム、ミャンマー、インド、シンガポール)の建設関連情報をワンストップで入手可能な「海外工場建設情報プラットフォーム」( )を開設いたしました。


(1) マーケット規模を把握するための当該国経済基礎情報

(2) 投資規模を把握するための建設基礎情報(建設物価、日系建設会社情報)

(3) 立地を検討するための工業団地情報

(4) 建設期間を把握するための官庁申請関連情報

(5) 人材を確保するための賃金情報、現地大学情報

(6) 最新トピック 現地法改正、誘致政策その他










また医薬品産業、医療機器産業をはじめとするライフサイエンス系分野では、エンジニアリングの他にコンサルティングサービス(薬事・開発・GMP・監査)及びGMP教育サービスを提供しています。(GMP=Good Manufacturing Practiceの略称で医薬品製造における品質を守る法律で各国で定めている)

またシーエムプラスが運営するGMP関連情報ポータルサイト(GMP Platform)は購読者15,000名を有する日本で最大のGMP情報ポータルサイトです。

デジタルヘルス関連の情報発信サイトLSMIP(Life Science Matching Initiative Platform)も運営しております。

会社ホームページ              :


デジタルヘルス情報発信サイト        :

[English translation]

The opening of construction-related information website for Japanese companies planning factory investment in Asia

CM Plus Corporation (Yokohama, Japan), who has been providing construction support services by acting as “Owner's Consultant” devoting itself to the best interest of the Owner, has opened an information website namely "Overseas Factory Construction Information Platform" ( ) which features comprehensive construction-related data and news articles of eight Asian countries (Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, Philippines, Vietnam, Myanmar, India and Singapore) to be dedicated to ambitious Japanese investors on factory construction projects.

The information posted are the following up-to-date information useful for prospective factory investments.

(1) Basic economic information of the country to grasp the market size

(2) Basic construction information for estimating the magnitude of investment needed (construction prices, Japanese construction contractors trends, etc.)

(3) Information of Industrial parks for consideration on site locations

(4) Information on government applications for consideration of construction period assessment.

(5) Wage statistics and local university information to secure human resources

(6) Latest topics: local law revisions, investment incentive policies, etc.

Overseas Factory Construction Information Platform

Construction-related information of 8 Asian countries

The information needed by the companies who plan to build factories overseas should be diverse.

Taking capital investment plan, for example, it will usually start with business planning, followed by various field surveys in the relevant country such as for marketability, site selection, profitability, construction cost estimate, project schedule, government applications and possible constraints, etc., and gathering those information in a timely manner should be often an uneasy task for the corporate staff in charge of the project.

This website is the right place where you can find all needful information on time to support your investment plan.

CM Plus Corporation has abundant experience in construction projects not only in Japan but also overseas (the total number of projects exceeds 300), which has made this unique website possible to provide valuable information as if it were your inhouse function for the corporate planning and production management.

■CM Plus Corporation (Yokohama, Japan, Chairman: Mr. Tetsuo Fujioka)

CM Plus Corporation is one of the largest consulting firms in Japan for engineering and construction management specialized in the highly sophisticated production facilities. The professional services to be provided by CM Plus Corporation includes project planning, design, and construction supervision (CMP Method) acting as if it were the customer's own planning and engineering department. CM Plus Corporation has overseas subsidiaries located in Vietnam, Indonesia and Singapore (group holding company), and has maintained partnership with the companies in Asian countries to support our customers' overseas expansion projects.

In the life science industry fields, like pharmaceutical and medical device industries, our experts handle well not only engineering management but also consulting services such as regulatory affairs, medicinal development, GMP, audits and GMP trainings.

The website namely “GMP Platform” operated by CM Plus Corporation is the largest GMP information website in Japan with 15,000 subscribers. Another website namely “LSMIP (Life Science Matching Initiative Platform)” is a website with abundant information related to digital health.

Company Website          :

Life Science Information Website :

Digital Health Information Website: