
AMS800(R) 人工尿道括約筋の保険適用が開始される  ~尿失禁に苦しむ全ての患者に、世界標準の治療法(※1)を提供~

2012年6月20日 11:00
男性及び女性の骨盤周辺部位疾患での治療において世界トップレベルの医療機器と治療を提供している米国アメリカン・メディカル・システムズ社(American Medical Systems, Inc.、本社:米国ミネソタ州、以下 AMS)の日本法人である日本AMS株式会社(本社:東京都港区、代表取締役:倉田 進、以下 日本AMS)は、本日、同社の人工尿道括約筋であるAMS800(R) 人工尿道括約筋(AUS)の保険適用が2012年4月1日付けで開始されたことを発表しました。



東北大学病院 泌尿器科の荒井 陽一教授は次の通り述べています。


American Medical Systems, headquartered in Minnetonka, Minnesota, is a diversified supplier of medical devices and procedures to treat incontinence, erectile dysfunction, benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), pelvic floor prolapse and other pelvic disorders in men and women. These disorders can significantly diminish one's quality of life and profoundly affect social relationships. In recent years, the number of people seeking treatment has increased markedly as a result of longer lives, higher-quality-of-life expectations and greater awareness of new treatment alternatives. American Medical Systems' products reduce or eliminate the incapacitating effects of these diseases, often through minimally invasive therapies. AMS is a wholly owned subsidiary of Endo Pharmaceuticals (Nasdaq: ENDP), a U.S.-based, specialty healthcare solutions company, focused on high-value branded products, services and devices and specialty generics ( ).


(※1) Borgermann C, Kaufmann A, Sperling H et al. The Treatment of Stress Incontinence in Men Part 2 of a Series of Articles on Incontinence. Dtsch Arztebl Int 2010; 107(27): 484-91
(※2) Grise P, Geraud M, Lienhart J, Le Portz et al. Transobturator Male Sling TOMSTM for the Treatment of Stress Post-Prostatectomy Incontinence, Initial Experience and Results with One Year’s Experience. Int Braz J Urol 2009; 35 (6): 706-715. doi: 10.1590/S1677-55382009000600009
(※3) Arai Y, Takei M, Nonomura K et al. Current use of the artificial urinary sphincter and its long-term durability: a nationwide survey in Japan. Int J Urol. 2009;16(1):101-4.
(※4) AMS800(R). Urinary control system for male patients. Instruction for use. American Medical Systems. (March 23, 2012)



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