
Gyoseki、Point72、SCRIPTS Asia及びUSIC: 第1回全国ファンダメンタル分析大会を発表

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2022年10月24日 11:00
次世代RPAを運営する「Gyoseki」(本社:東京都港区赤坂、代表取締役:加藤寛之)は、Point72 Asset Management及びSCRIPTS Asiaのパートナー企業にご支援頂き、また、Union of Student Investment Clubs (USIC)にご後援頂き、大学生向け全国ファンダメンタル分析大会を開催いたします。18歳以上の大学生・大学院生は参加可能です。
参加者は、SCRIPTS Asia が提供する詳細な決算説明会の議事録を含む、公開情報を活用して将来の収益を予測します。これは、上場株式や社債を含むあらゆる証券への投資判断をするうえで重要なステップです。

「Gyosekiは、素晴らしいパートナー企業である、Point72 Asset Management様及びSCRIPTS Asia様とファンダメンタルに焦点を当てたユニークな大会を開催できますことに大変嬉しく思います。また、学生の金融リテラシー向上に熱心に取り組まれているUSIC様にご後援頂き、誠に感謝しております。各参加者には、プロの投資家が使用するツールやデータを活用して頂き、入賞した方々には賞金及び金融業界での認知度向上に繋げて頂けますと幸いです。」

参加条件: 18歳以上の学部生・大学院生(注:海外にお住いの方には賞金をお渡しできない場合がございます)
参加費: 無料
期間: 2022年11月-12月 (結果発表は翌年2月)
参加登録: 11月上旬開始予定。ルールなどの詳細は10月末に発表致します。

Union of Student Investment Clubs (USIC)は2022 年 8 月現在、全国 31大学のサークル・約 1,100 名が加盟し、北は北海道、南は九州までのネットワークを有する、日本最大規模の金融系学生団体です。2008 年の創設以来、「日本を学生から金融大国に」というビジョンのもと、学生の金融リテラシー向上に取り組んでいます。主な活動内容は、国内外の金融関係企業と合同で開催する勉強会・セミナーの運営、学生向け金融・投資のフリーペーパー「SPOCK」(累計発行部数 24 万部)の発行、全国の上場企業・大学生を巻き込んで行う「IR プレゼンコンテスト」の主催です。

【Point72 Asset Managementについて】

【SCRIPTS Asiaについて】
SCRIPTS Asiaは2018年に設立されて以来、世界中で最も信頼できるAPAC地域における企業イベントの情報源となっています。同社はこの地域の2,300社以上の企業に関する独占的でジャストインタイムの知見を日々世界中の投資家に提供することにより、「アジアを世界につなぐ」という中核となる目標を実現し続けています。


代表取締役: 加藤寛之
所在地: 〒107-0052 東京都港区赤坂7‐5‐27
資本金: 3,500万円
設立: 2022年1月

Gyoseki, Point72, SCRIPTS Asia, and USIC: Announcement of the first National Fundamental Analysis Competition

Next Generation RPA provider Gyoseki, in partnership with Point72 Asset Management and SCRIPTS Asia, with support from Union of Student Investment Clubs (USIC), is pleased to announce the Gyoseki Competition, a first National Fundamental Analysis Competition for college students. All college and graduate school students who are 18 years or older are eligible to participate.
Participants of the competition will gain real-world experience as they assume the role of fundamental analysts and compete in making accurate earnings forecasts. The skills gained from this competition can be applied to a wide range of financial and consulting professions, including asset management, financial advisory and corporate strategy.
This competition asks participants to utilize any and all publicly available information, including detailed transcripts provided by SCRIPTS Asia, to forecast the future earnings, which is an important step in making investment decisions, whether it be in public markets, corporate bonds or other assets.

“We are pleased to be hosting this unique, fundamental focused competition with our prestigious and renown partners, Point72 Asset Management and SCRIPTS Asia,” said Hironobu Katoh, Representative of Gyoseki. “In addition, we are grateful to have the official support of USIC, who is also committed to enhancing the financial literacy of college students. We hope that each participant will leverage the tools and data professionals use when making investment decisions to take advantage of the opportunity to be recognized by the financial community and win prize money.”

Eligibility: Currently enrolled in Undergraduate or Graduate School and must be 18 years or older (note: students living outside Japan may not be able to receive prize money)
Fee: Free
Duration: Nov – Dec 2022 (Results announced in Feb 2023)
Registrations to begin in early Nov. More details including Rules and Regulations will be released in late October.

【About USIC】
Union of Student Investment Clubs (USIC) is Japan’s largest financial student organization, consisting of 31 college investment clubs with over 1,100 members (as of August 2022). Founded in 2008, they have been focusing on increasing the financial literacy of students, with the vision as “students to make Japan a financial superpower.” Major activities include hosting workshops and seminars, publishing SPOCK, and hosting annual IR Presentation Contests.

【About Point72 Asset Management】
Point72 is a global asset management firm led by Steven A. Cohen that invests in multiple asset classes and strategies worldwide. We are constantly pursuing innovation in our investing processes to deliver on our mission of producing superior risk-adjusted returns.

【About SCRIPTS Asia】
SCRIPTS Asia was founded in 2018 and has since become the most trusted resource for APAC investor event coverage around the globe. The company continues to actuate its core ideals of "Connecting Asia to the World" by delivering exclusive, just-in-time insights into over 2,300 of the region's companies to international investors every day. Its product roadmap includes continued adoption of leading-edge communications strategies from artificial intelligence and natural language processing to peer-to-peer relationship development.

【About Gyoseki Co., Ltd.】
Gyoseki was established in 2022 with the goal to Empower Fundamental Investors. We believe that technological advances, regulatory framework and market environment are aligned with fundamental investment. We are designing and developing a next generation RPA for fundamental investors that will help fundamental investors cutdown on mundane tasks and identify alpha opportunities. We believe that every investor has her or his unique strengths and foresights, and our mission is to embrace and enhance each and every user’s skillset.

Company Name: Gyoseki Co., Ltd.
Representative: Katoh, Hironobu
Address: 7-5-27 Akasaka, Minato-ku, Tokyo JAPAN
Capital: 35.0 million JPY
Established: January 2022



