fluct、Googleのアプリ運営者向け認定パートナーとして、 GCPPアプリスペシャリスト資格を取得
2024年8月20日 14:00株式会社CARTA HOLDINGSのグループ会社で、パブリッシャーグロース支援事業を展開している株式会社fluct(本社:東京都港区、代表取締役CEO:藤井 洋太、以下「fluct」)は、Googleが認定するアプリ運営者向けパートナー(Google Certified Publishing Partner:通称「GCPP」)において、新たに「GCPPアプリスペシャリスト」資格を取得いたしました。
本社所在地 :東京都港区虎ノ門2-6-1 虎ノ門ヒルズ ステーションタワー36F
設立 :2008年6月2日
資本金 :5,000万円(準備金含む)
事業内容 :広告プラットフォーム事業、パブリッシャーグロース事業、リテールメディア事業
本社所在地 :東京都港区虎ノ門2-6-1 虎ノ門ヒルズ ステーションタワー36F
設立 :2008年6月2日
資本金 :5,000万円(準備金含む)
事業内容 :広告プラットフォーム事業、パブリッシャーグロース事業、リテールメディア事業
Fluct Inc. (Headquarters: Minato-ku, Tokyo; CEO: Yota Fujii; hereinafter referred to as "Fluct"), a group company of CARTA HOLDINGS Inc. that provides publisher growth support services, has been newly certified as a "GCPP App Specialist" by Google Certified Publishing Partner (GCPP ) , a partner for app managers certified by Google .
As a GCPP app specialist, Fluct will be able to further strengthen its relationship with Google, including early access to beta versions and updates of Google products and close feedback from the Google product team, and will be able to enjoy many other benefits. This will enable Fluct to quickly propose and implement Google's revenue improvement solutions to app managers, enabling more advanced support, and enabling it to implement proposals and measures aimed at "app growth" that goes beyond just improving advertising revenue.
As a leading app expert in Japan, fluct will continue to support app developers to ensure their sustainable growth.
As a GCPP app specialist, Fluct will be able to further strengthen its relationship with Google, including early access to beta versions and updates of Google products and close feedback from the Google product team, and will be able to enjoy many other benefits. This will enable Fluct to quickly propose and implement Google's revenue improvement solutions to app managers, enabling more advanced support, and enabling it to implement proposals and measures aimed at "app growth" that goes beyond just improving advertising revenue.
As a leading app expert in Japan, fluct will continue to support app developers to ensure their sustainable growth.
■What is a GCPP App Specialist?
The specific qualification for app publishers provided by Google, "GCPP App Specialist," is a qualification that can only be obtained by trusted partners certified by Google. Partners with this qualification can comprehensively propose Google's app-related products and services and support the growth and revenue improvement of app publishers.
■Main roles of app specialists
・Official App Specialist Badge holder
This badge is exclusive to GCPP App Specialists and denotes Google 's recognition as a Top App Partner.
Access to Google product teams and relationships
- Early access to product betas and updates
- Strengthening the feedback loop with Google product teams
- Frequent roundtable discussions with product managers and leaders
Training and skill development
Receive training to improve your professional knowledge and technical skills.
*All trademarks are property of their respective owners .
This badge is exclusive to GCPP App Specialists and denotes Google 's recognition as a Top App Partner.
Access to Google product teams and relationships
- Early access to product betas and updates
- Strengthening the feedback loop with Google product teams
- Frequent roundtable discussions with product managers and leaders
Training and skill development
Receive training to improve your professional knowledge and technical skills.
*All trademarks are property of their respective owners .
[ Fluct , Inc. ] https://corp.fluct.jp/
Representative Director and CEO: Yota Fujii
Head office location: 36F Toranomon Hills Station Tower, 2-6-1 Toranomon, Minato-ku, Tokyo
Established: June 2, 2008
Capital: 50 million yen (including reserve funds)
Major Shareholders: CARTA HOLDINGS Co., Ltd.
Business Contents: Advertising platform business, publisher growth business, retail media business
Head office location: 36F Toranomon Hills Station Tower, 2-6-1 Toranomon, Minato-ku, Tokyo
Established: June 2, 2008
Capital: 50 million yen (including reserve funds)
Major Shareholders: CARTA HOLDINGS Co., Ltd.
Business Contents: Advertising platform business, publisher growth business, retail media business
For inquiries to fluct, please contact
Fluct Co., Ltd.
TEL: 03-4577-1458
Fluct Co., Ltd.
TEL: 03-4577-1458
For media inquiries, please contact
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