芝浦工業大学、 イタリア・ラクイラ大学と福祉機器開発ワークショップを開催
~ 国際的な視点で活躍できる技術者の育成 ~
2014.11.19 09:30
芝浦工業大学(東京都江東区/学長 村上雅人)は、システム理工学専攻の大学院生11名が、本学の協定校であるイタリア・ラクイラ大学との福祉機器開発プログラムに参加し、ラクイラの街で使える「福祉機器」の開発に向けたワークショップを2014年9月15日~26日の約2週間、現地ラクイラにて行ったことをご報告いたします。
1. 背景
2. ワークショップの概要
3. ワークショップの成果
<現地調査・実験の様子 1>
<現地調査・実験の様子 2>
<ワークショップの様子 1>
<ワークショップの様子 2>
University of L'Aquila (ULA) - Shibaura Institute of Technology (SIT)
L'Aquila, September 15th - 26th, 2014
New Assistive technology: development of innovative deambulation assistive devices
This program is supported by Japanese Government, Ministry of Education and Culture (MEXT). SIT's mission in the program is to develop human resources for “Smart Quality of Life (SQOL) technology” in the west part of the capital region in Japan where our institute is located. SIT participants will be potential engineers who will sustain future technology of SQOL. After this work shop, SIT students are expected to spread the knowledge and experience gained in this program to the local area in Japan, and to contribute to SQOL technology in the future.
In another aspect, of course this is a program between University of L’Aquila and Shibaura Institute of Technology under “the Memorandum of Understanding”. In last year, SIT accepted 8 students from ULA as 2nd students work shop in the rehabilitation equipment field, we believe it was great success for both. This year, ULA accepts 11 SIT students and holds a work shop. We would like to make the program in success like last year.
Your mission is to develop a new assist mobility device for a disabled people to use in the old town of L’Aquila. It means that it is difficult for them to walk in the old town, because there has so many hard slopes, stairs, stone path, unevenness roads and etc. You should develop a new idea for an assistive mobility device which can be used in the old town of L'Aquila.
Firstly, you survey the conditions of old town for walking, e.g. slope angle, the unevenness road size, stairs and try to move by walking.
Secondly, you discuss and decide a new concept of an assist mobility device for the old town.
Thirdly, you design new mechanism or support system according to your concept.
Finally, you make the model using CAD and do the simulation.
Student members are divided into four groups; each group is combined by 4 or 5 Italian and Japanese students to complete the mission as follows;
1) Survey
-Visit the old town of L'Aquila
Try the walking by yourself
Measure the old town construction for assist device slope angle, unevenness, roughness width, stair steps etc.,
2) Concept and Design
-Discuss and decide the concept of your group
Design new mechanism or power assist system
3) Modeling and Simulation
-Make a mechanical and /or electrical model using CAD for your new design
Do the simulation for your new design power, vibration, mechanical movement, safety, center of gravity, control algorithm, energy saving performance and etc.
Each group makes the report of your survey results, concept, design, modelling and simulation results. Each group presents your report from 14:00 at 26th, you have 15 min. presentation and 5 min. Q&A.
-You can use small electric motors to the mobility device.
You must consider the total function of the mobility device.
-You must submit all materials for presentation (slides, movies, photos etc.) to the steering committee (ULA/SIT staff).
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高校化学グランドコンテスト10月26日(土)、27日(日)最終選考会開催 全国・海外から102チームが参加 上位入賞チームを海外に派遣
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2024.09.30 13:00