
英文学術誌 International Immunology 2008年8月号発刊 のお知らせ

International Immunologyは特定非営利活動法人日本免疫学会が発行する英文学術誌です。

8月号の注目論文はDirk E. Smith著他5名による研究者達の「Further functions for IL-33」です。注目記事は、多くの方に読んでいただけるよう全文を読むことができるオープン・アクセス出版にしています。


【International Immunologyについて】

創刊    : 1989年1月 月刊雑誌(英語)
定期購読料 : 学術団体@GBP755 営利団体@GBP906 個人@GBP287

-*-*- 8月号 コンテンツ紹介(英語) -*-*-

== 今月の注目記事 ==

「IL-33 amplifies both Th1- and Th2-type responses through its activity on human basophils, allergen-reactive Th2 cells, iNKT and NK Cells」 ( )

Authors: Molly D. Smithgall, Michael R. Comeau, Bo-Rin Park Yoon, Dawn Kaufman, Richard Armitage and Dirk E. Smith

IL-33 has several known effects on mast cells and Th2 responses. To extend this knowledge, Smith and colleagues (p.1019) examine IL-33-mediated cytokine production in basophils, NKT cells, NK cells and antigen-dependent or -independent Th2 cells. The implications for IL-33 in human Th1 and Th2 responses are detailed.

== その他8月号の記事 ==
※詳細は8月号のIN THIS ISSUEに掲載されています。

- CD83 regulates B cell maturation and survival (Breloer and colleagues)
- Proinflammatory responses of enteroendocrine cells (Rumio and colleagues)
- Lymphocyte subsets during progression to connective-tissue disease (Szodoray et al.)
- Novel ligands for human NK cells (He and colleagues)
- Surfactant protein modulates eosinophil function and survival (Madan and colleagues)
- Distinct roles for IL-21 on naiive CD41 cells (Ferrari-Lacraz et al.)
- Catalytic antibodies that act as RNases and DNases (Nevinsky et al.)
- Human T cell FOXP3 transcription and DNA methylation (Goldstein and colleagues)
- A role for DcR3 in SLE (Luo and colleagues)
- A new method to identify CTL epitopes (Shingler et al.)
- A model of human allergy to shrimps (Di Felice and colleagues)
- Anti-mycobacterial responses and Melan-A cross-reactivity in health (Appay and colleagues)
- Transgenic K14/VEGF mice model psoriasis (Kemp and colleagues)