2008年8月22日 15:00

英文学術誌 International Immunology 2008年9月号発刊のお知らせ

International Immunologyは特定非営利活動法人日本免疫学会が発行する英文学術誌です。

9月号の注目論文はGottfried Alber、岩倉洋一郎著他3名による研究者達の「Production and function of IL-17 in salmonellosis」です。


【International Immunologyについて】

創刊    : 1989年1月 月刊雑誌(英語)
定期購読料 : 学術団体@GBP755 営利団体@GBP906 個人@GBP287
ホームページ: http://www.intimm.oxfordjournals.org

-*-*- 9月号 コンテンツ紹介(英語) -*-*-

== 今月の注目記事 ==

「IL-17A is produced by Th17, gd T cells and other CD4- lymphocytes during infection with Salmonella enterica serovar Enteritidis and has a mild effect in bacterial clearance」
( http://intimm.oxfordjournals.org/cgi/content/full/dxn069v1 )

Authors: Silke M. Schulz, Gabriele Kohler, Christoph Holscher, Yoichiro Iwakura and Gottfried Alber

The role of Th17 cells in intracellular bacteria infection remains unclear, especially at late stages. In this study, Alber and colleagues (p.1129) show that IL-17A-/- mice survive infection with Salmonella Enteritidis but have a larger bacterial burden. Neutrophil and DTH reactions are reduced. IL-17A is produced by cd T cells and other CD4- cells, as well as CD4+ cells.

== その他9月号の記事 ==

※詳細は9月号のIN THIS ISSUEに掲載されています。

- T helper cells and T-suppressor cells cooperate to regulate responsiveness: a critical essay (Melvin Cohn)
- LFA-1 and TCR thresholds in vivo (Shibuya[渋谷 彰] and colleagues)
- IL-1 isoforms and S. pneumoniae infection (Mizrachi-Nebenzahl and colleagues)
- A unique regulatory T cell population in decidua (Amsalem et al.)
- NK cells recognise BCG via TLR2 (Moretta and colleagues)
- RSV blocks TLR signalling and IFN production (Seya[瀬谷 司] and colleagues)
- Adam10 activates Notch in T cell development (Wu and colleagues)
- Human Th1 and Th2 cell phenotypes (Takiguchi[滝口 雅文] and colleagues)
- Role of IL-13 in basophil responses (Min and colleagues)
- Immortalised bone marrow stem cells (Karjalainen et al.)
- Suppression of dendritic cell maturation by fibroblasts (Yoshimura[吉村 昭彦] and colleagues)
- IFN-g, cyclophosphamide and type 1 diabetes (Kanagawa[Osami Kanagawa] and colleagues)