
英文学術誌 International Immunology 2008年12月号発刊のお知らせ

International Immunologyは、特定非営利活動法人日本免疫学会( )が発行する英文学術誌です。

12月号の注目論文はEndre Kiss-Toth、他12名による研究者達の「Tribbles-2 is a novel regulator of inflammatory activation of monocytes」です。


【International Immunologyについて】

創刊   : 1989年1月 月刊雑誌(英語)
定期購読料: 学術団体@GBP755 営利団体@GBP906 個人@GBP287
URL    :

-*-*- 12月号 コンテンツ紹介(英語) -*-*-

---------------- 今月の注目記事 ----------------

「Tribbles-2 is a novel regulator of inflammatory activation of monocytes」( )

Authors: Katalin Eder, Hongtao Guan, Hye Y. Sung, Jon Ward, Adrienn Angyal, Michelle Janas, Gabriella Sarmay, Erno Duda, Martin Turner, Steven K. Dower, Sheila E. Francis, David C. Crossman, and Endre Kiss-Toth

In this article, Kiss-Toth and colleagues (p. 1543) show that tribbles 2 (trb-2) is a novel regulator in human monocytes, inhibiting ERK and JNK activation. The authors detail the molecular interactions with other mitogen-activated protein kinases; they also describe the effect of low-density lipoprotein and of IL-8 on trb-2 and the importance of this mechanism for regulating monocyte functions.

== その他12月号の記事 ==
※詳細は12月号のIN THIS ISSUEに掲載されています。

-The lymph node conduit system (Kraal and colleagues)
-T11TS-induced apoptotic pathways in glioma (Chaudhuri and colleagues)
-CD28-mediated, TCR-signal-independent NFkB activation (Abe and colleagues)
-Invariant T cells in tumours (Illes and colleagues)
-NO-dependent macrophage apoptosis induced by GXM (Masih and colleagues)
-Porin-containing liposomes trigger Th1 responses (Biswas and colleagues)
-IL-18 induces Ccl1 production in mast cells (Falus and colleagues)
-Aberrant switching in stimulated precursor B cells (Melamed and colleagues)
