グローバル企業の採用支援をするエンワールド・ジャパンと 外資系企業のバックオフィス業務を代行するトライコーが業務提携

2018年1月15日 10:45






エンワールド・ジャパンはこれまで約20年にわたりグローバル企業の採用支援を行ってきました。2017年9月には採用業務を一括して受託するRPO(採用代行)サービス “enPower” を開始。日本独特の採用環境(求職者獲得にかかる予算の高さ、選考にかかる人的コスト、候補者の経験職務やミッションが曖昧なゆえに発生する見極めの難しさ)に苦戦する外資系企業の支持を得ています。





・“enPower” のサービス領域拡大(RPOに加えて、BPOも一括で請負)




所在地 : 東京都中央区京橋3-1-1 東京スクエアガーデン12階

設立  : 1999年

資本金 : 6,515万円

代表者 : 代表取締役社長ヴィジェイ・ディオール

事業内容: 国内外グローバル企業におけるミッドキャリア(管理職)・経営幹部


URL   : https://enworld.net/


所在地 : 東京都港区南麻布3-19-23 オーク南麻布ビル2階


トライコー・ジャパン:トライコー株式会社、トライコー税理士法人、トライコー社労士法人、トライコー司法書士事務所、トライコー行政書士事務所、他 関連法人

URL  : http://tricor.co.jp

en world Japan K.K. (“EWJ”), a global recruitment consultancy firm (Headquarters:Chuo ku, Tokyo, Representative Director, Vijay Deol) and Tricor Japan, (“Tricor”)

(Headquarters: Minato-ku, Tokyo) a back office compliance service provider, signed a business alliance agreement on Jan 13th,2018 to strengthen their service offerings to foreign firms in the Japanese market. Through this business collaboration scheme, EWJ and Tricor mutually strive to help more new customers and expand solutions to their existing customers.

-Outline of the Business Collaboration-

EWJ will provide recruitment service and Tricor will service

business expansion support through BPO to foreign firms

Both companies will mutually introduce their clients to each other and leverage their customer networks. Foreign firms will be able to receive recruitment support from EWJ and business expansion support from Tricor. The customers of both companies will be able to receive high quality services from consultants who are knowledgeable in responding to global companies.

-Background of the Business Collaboration-

EWJ has been providing recruitment support services to global companies over the last twenty years. The company launched “enPower”, Recruitment Process Outsourcing(RPO) services from September 2017. The RPO business supports foreign firms that struggle to build their business in Japan where the recruitment environment is unique (requiring a high budget for sourcing candidates, personnel costs for screening, and difficulty in evaluation of candidates due to unclear experience and skills of candidates).

Tricor is a global company which has its group headquarter in Hong Kong and provides back office service to global companies in the Asia Pacific region With capable bi-lingual specialists. Tricor has been providing market entry registration and business operations support mainly for foreign firms in Japan over the last 15 years. The company services approximately 515 foreign companies operating in Japan.

As customers have frequently inquired to EWJ about back office operations and to Tricor sought about recruitment services, and with both EWJ and Tricor having abundant complementary experiences in these areas, EWJ and Tricor have decided to form a business alliance to become partners to meet the needs of their customers.


・To increase new customers and improve and expand solutions to existing customers

・To expand enPower service territories (also provides BPO service in addition to RPO )

・To Improve efficiency of simple tasks and routine work through RPA(joint effort)


En world japan K.K. https://enworld.net/ 

HQ: Tokyo Square Garden 12F, Kyobashi 3-1-1, Chuo ku, Tokyo

Establishment: 1999

Paid n Capital : 65.150,000 Yen

Representative: Vijay Deol, President and Representative Director

Main Business: Providing consulting services for career change and talent recruitment and introducing mid-career executives and professionals.



Tricor Japan http://tricor.co.jp

Tricor KK HQ:Oak Minami-Azabu Bldg., 2F 3-19-23 Minami-Azabu, Minato-ku, Tokyo

*Tricor Japan Group:

Tricor K.K., Tricor Zeirishi Houjin, Tricor Sharoushi Houjin, Tricor Shihoshoshi Office, Tricor Gyoseishoshi Office and associated companies
